Wednesday, March 12, 2014


One thing that I've done with every class I've taught is write cards to each student. I call them "Props."

I bought these cards from Target. Each day I write a card for one student from each class. I have five classes, so I write five cards each day.

The cards are addressed to the student and their family. Inside is a personalized "prop" highlighting exceptional behavior or work I've seen in class.

The kids are quick to remind me if I forget to give out "props." They have fun guessing who will receive it, and everyone claps when I finally say the name.

I really like writing "props!" It's an easy way to help foster a positive classroom environment. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


I love following other educators via blogs, Twitter, Linked In, and Pinterest. You can find so many amazing ideas!

I got the idea for a classroom Boggle Board from this blog:

Here's how mine looks:

Every week I create a new Boggle Board. I will either use student names or theme words, and then fill in the remaining boxes with random letters. This week I put in the word "Spring" because it has been so nice out!

I set a different amount of words they need to find each week. This week was 15 words. When they show me their list, they can get a piece of candy.

The kids LOVE playing Boggle. If I don't put it up right away, my class borders on mutiny. It's definitely a fun edition for the classroom. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

No Red Ink=No more boring grammar!

Today I am going to review a website that has changed the way I teach grammar. It's called No Red Ink.

No Red Ink allows the students to complete an interest survey ranging from their favorite TV shows, musicians, and even their own friends and pets. Then whenever they work on an assignment or quiz, the sentences are customized to address their interests. The kids LOVE doing grammar practice now; it's crazy!
The interest survey
A sample question

Besides being engaging and funny, the site is also:
  • Easy to use
  • Allows me to assess a variety of grammar skills
  • Allows me to differentiate instruction
  • Allows me to easily monitor progress and provide remedial practice for those who need it
  • Allows me to track data
  • Saves me time-the site creates and grades the activities and quizzes, and creates a heat map to show progress and mastery 
  • Motivating for students-they can track their progress and practice extra skills 

No Red Ink is FREE, and next fall there will be a premium version. I have nothing but great things to say about this site!