Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A New Adventure! :)

I used to keep a blog. I started in my second year of teaching. A couple of my other teacher friends were blogging as well, and I enjoyed the experience. However, I dropped the ball and stopped blogging.

I didn't think about blogging again until almost two years later. I was at the TIES 2013 Education Technology Conference with some other teachers from my school. I attended a breakout session titled, "TIES-To Be or Note to Be a Techie Teacher." The presenter was a Language Arts teacher, and she shared numerous techie tools, websites, apps, resources, and ideas. She also mentioned blogging.

During her presentation, I found myself feeling inspired and excited about teaching writing, and writing myself. I always LOVED to write, but I had stopped. Honestly, I feel a big part of it is because I put all this pressure on myself when I wrote. I ended up feeling paralyzed and stopped attempting it.

However, when I was in that session, I remembered how exciting and FUN it could be to write! I want my kids to feel that way about writing, and I want to model that authentically in my classroom.

This is the start of a new adventure for me, professionally and personally. My goals are:
  1. Write daily.
  2. Blog regularly.
  3. Find other teachers to follow and collaborate with via blogging.
  4. Have fun and embrace the excitement and joy that comes from writing. :)
If you are interested in checking out the presenter's blog, her address is

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